Our Courses



For Expert English awareness is a key issue; if you know how and why you will be able to cope with all the challenges of this profession. In the theoretical part of the courses we will set the foundations and focus on the reasons for the practice. In the practice stage you will be given all the necessary tools for standing in front of a class with the confidence you need to succeed from the very first day.



  • Practical experience teaching different language levels and ages
  • Regular feedback and discussion sessions with your tutors
  • Observation of qualified and experienced teachers
  • Theoretical background
  • Practical approach to classroom management and lesson planning
Syllabus and Assessment guidelines
This will give you a clear picture of what the course will be about
Celta-syllabus_and_assessment guidelines
Documento Adobe Acrobat 349.3 KB


Input sessions follow the timetable provided here but may be adapted to a particular time of year or local circumstances. Input will preceed Assessment and TP requirements and a certain amount of self study is expected beyond input in order to consolidate knowledge. Input is about one third of the course time and there will be tutors for you to resort to 100% of the course time


The assessment consists of a variety of elements, coursework, observations, peer/microteaching all play a role but there are two formal elements: The TPs and the 4 written tasks:

·         Focus on the Learner

·         Skills Related Tasks

·         Language Related Tasks

·         Lessons from the Classroom


Assignments are meant to be practical but should reflect a lot of background reading, so should TPs and both can be resubmitted and tutors will help you in the drafitng stage


They all need to be around 1000 words - the total written work in words should be between 3000-6000 words.

Teaching Practice

In the CELTA Programme you are required to teach a total of 6 hours and to observe other teachers/ tutors/ trainees. In Expert, we provide with this and with more opprotunities to teach up to 12 hours and to observe live and recorded classes at will.

You will be able to teach different levels and different ages form A1 to C1 and from very young learners to Adults. You will also be able to experience on-to-one and In company classes.